Monday, February 8, 2016

Foreordination – some thoughts

My mind has been all over the place lately and I can tell you I have been having some awesome spiritual experiences recently. Sad thing is, the situations around these experiences I’ve been in many times before but this time the whole experiences are almost surreal. If you remember in Mosiah 2:30 where King Benjamin says,

 “For even at this time, my whole frame doth tremble exceedingly while attempting to speak unto you; but the Lord God doth support me”

I feel like I have experienced that off and on.

I’m still connecting lots of dots that I never even considered before. It is like I am seeing with new eyes. We talk in the church about Foreordination which as defined by the church is different from Preordination. On the church website foreordination is explained such . . .

In the premortal spirit world, God appointed certain spirits to fulfill specific missions during their mortal lives. This is called foreordination. Foreordination does not guarantee that individuals will receive certain callings or responsibilities. Such opportunities come in this life as a result of the righteous exercise of agency, just as foreordination came as a result of righteousness in the premortal existence.
The doctrine of foreordination applies to all members of the Church, not just to the Savior and His prophets. Before the creation of the earth, faithful women were given certain responsibilities and faithful men were foreordained to certain priesthood duties. As people prove themselves worthy, they will be given opportunities to fulfill the assignments they then received.
I’ve come to understand more fully what Joseph Smith meant when he taught that life is truly one eternal round.

In the Preexistence we learned our first lessons and prepared for the mortal realms. As part of this preparation we received blessings, instruction, and for the faithful foreordination in preparation for our mortal sojourns. When this journey is complete it is not intended to be the end of our progress. Yet, as we know a third part of the heavenly hosts have already ended their progress. We learn that the only realm after this life for which progress can continue is in the Glory of the Celestial Kingdom.

I have often heard it said that this life has two main events, receiving a physical body which we do at birth, and that of being tried and tested, which I’m not sure that even ends in this life or the life to come. The only thing I can relate this second item with is that of rebirth, or becoming born again through water, Spirit and blood as spoken of in Moses 6:59 which is a series of post all unto its self. The time frame for this is from mortal birth till the final judgment which takes place after the resurrection.

The only ordinance spoken of as required for entry into the Celestial kingdom is that of Baptism D&C 75:51-52 and as usual I speak of baptism as a whole (water, fire, and Spirit). I also understand that Eternal progress is possible for all in the Celestial realm not just those who receive Exaltation.

Would it not make sense that we should be prepared through instruction, blessings and foreordination in this mortal realm? The truth is we are. It happens predominantly in the Temple. Think of how the washing and anointing goes. If things are truly an eternal round and progress is only possible in the Celestial Kingdom and the only ordinance required for entry is baptism what is all the rest of the things we do in the church for. Even from birth the celestial patterns are began with the family structure. We practice just as children play house, we practice the celestial order of things in this life. We are continually preparing for higher realms.   We are to learn all we can in the second estate before we move onto the next, just as we were to do in the first estate before moving onto the one we are currently in. The more we learn here the better we will be off in the next. It is far easier for the spirit to remind us of what we once learned then to teach us those things anew.

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