Monday, December 6, 2021

“On Both Sides of the Veil”


    I was sitting in stake conference this weekend and it was a special occasion, because we like many others stakes around the world, were receiving a new stake presidency. Something odd stuck out to me in the talks that I had never really thought much about, the Veil.

    One of the new catch phrases that have been disseminating down is “The work of Salvation on both sides of the Veil” Which I understand what they are talking about, but I think the wording is actually false. What is being conveyed in the phrase is that work of salvation that is done for the departed, or those on the other side of the veil. My concern is that the doctrine of the Veil is actually not well understood.

    We are taught that the veil was put in place to block our remembrance of our premarital existence. The rational being that if we remembered our pre mortal life the test that mortality provides would fail to provide the TEST necessary, because we would already know the answers. Faith would not be needed. In this vain of logic this Veil is as important as agency to this phase of eternal progression. The doctrine that is unclear is when that Veil is removed.

    There really is not much by way of accepted scriptures on this topic, nor is there much in “spoken” scripture. From what I can find the removal of the veil cannot take place until after someone has both accepted the gospel and satisfactorily completed the “test”, or they have been resurrected and await judgment. The process is not an immediate event, but a slow process just as the resurrection is a process. There are clearly example of people who have, finished the test early, or be permitted to have some clarity given, although only momentarily, in the scriptures such as Moses, the Brother of Jared and Joseph Smith Jr.

    Symbolically in the Temple we pass through the veil once we have received all the knowledge, and covenants necessary to do so. This is done at the conclusion of the Endowment, but prior to sealing ordinances. That all being so then who are we helping on the other side of the Veil. It would stand to reason they don’t need our help, because they have already made it as far as us.

    Perhaps I have been looking at this the wrong way. Am I doing work to help those in Spirit prison or Spirit Paradise?  From what I have read and found those in Spirit prison are clearly not on the other side of the veil. If they were it would invalidate the Test. The Test covers all points between birth and resurrection which in its entirety is also known as the second Estate. Is it possible that those in Spirit Paradise, who are those sent to preach to those in Spirit Prison, may actually be or in process of having the veil removed from them. So am I actually doing this work to help them? That does not feel right nor does it make sense to me. Is this new catch phrase doctrinally in error?

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