Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Be Fruitful, Multiply and Replenish?

After discussing these ideas with my wife she read through the accounts and felt the impression that the Replenish is referring to replenishing the Earth. Since we came from the dust of the Earth we are to replenish the Earth. That idea in itself I think has been stated before, but the twist with her remark is not the Fallen Earth but the Celestialized Earth. Basically Be Fruitful, (Do your part to receive the qualify for the Atonement), multiply (Have offspring, do missionary work etc.), and Replenish (Return with honor in Glory).The Hebrew I'm told for replenish should more accurately be translated as Fill the Earth. When I think of the term Fill I think of to complete or glorify so even with this alternate translation I can see how my wife might just be right in what it means to Replenish the Earth. This command was given to Adam before the fall as it was to the animals. They were not fallen at that time so it makes sense. Granted this argument can easily be countered with Genesis 9:1 where God gives Noah the same command but I don't believe the argument is necessary to still drive that point home. 

In the Church there is a lot of focus on the Saviors role, and the requirements that we must fulfill to receive fully from the atonement that was accomplished through his mission. Often I feel that our mission in life is really neglected in reference to the gospel. That command to Adam and Eve really sums up the entirety of our mission. It's that whole, become like a child or endure to the end that Christ teaches as the finial step in the doctrine of Christ. Faith, repentance, baptism bring you from be fruitful to becoming like a child, and Receiving the Holy Ghost guides you through the multiply onto the gaining of light upon light to the perfect day until you can return to live in glory upon the celestialized earth in the presence of all the members of the god head.

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